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Lorraine G. on May 23, 2024
"Nayeli was scheduled didn’t go because I realized this was for 13 and older and she is only 10 yrs old."


Are these classes live?

Yes. Check the registration details for the local address or online link. Online classes are usually a video call with live instructors and other students. Many activities provide multiple time slots to accommodate your time zones or other obligations.

Are these classes always free?

Some are always free and some are offered as a preview classes for kids to try out before enrolling in more classes.

Do I need to be in a specific location for these classes?

For in-person classes, check for the location closest to you. Online classes support the idea of being remote, so you can attend them from anywhere. Many classes are scheduled using U.S. time zones, so if you are abroad, you may want to take that into consideration. Alternatively, ActivityHero On-Demand is a good solution for attending asynchronous programs at your own convenience.

What kinds of online classes are provided?

Art classes, STEM courses, math, baking, coding, music, and even yoga and ballet are all provided for free and online. Take advantage of spending extra time at home and explore new activities or subjects for free!

What are some examples of academic classes?

You can build with legos, learn to code, get free tutoring, get ahead in math, practice public speaking, join a book club, or even learn a different language.

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