7 Sneaky Ways to Stay Warm at Fall Games

Autumn sports, color guard, cheering, and marching band activities never seem to end before the weather turns cold! Stay cozy all season with these clever tips.
people watching the game in 1-person viewing tents

Autumn sports, color guard, cheering, and marching band activities never seem to end before the weather turns cold! Stay cozy all season with these clever tips.

By Laura Quaglio

You want to support your kids until the playoffs are done … but, baby, if you live in certain sections of the U.S., it’s cold outside! Maybe you’ve already gotten the puffy jacket, winter boots, and team knit cap. What else can you do to keep out the chill? Plenty! Here are a few options you may not have tried yet. They range from free to DIY to a tad pricey, but they all can help get the job done. Let us know which ones you try — and love — this season. Or, better yet, share some of your best ideas in the comments. Give us a W-A-R-M! Go, Team!

Take a Tip from Red Riding Hood

No doubt about it: Hoods are both cute and cozy. And when it comes to keeping in body heat during a late-season match, a hood and scarf is a must-have combo for soccer moms. We found this item — billed as a Winter Hood Scarf — on Etsy. It was created by Erica Pennie Layne, who counts herself as among the “Canadian winter warriors; a woman on the constant move in a land of ice and snow.” If it’s warm enough for her to wear when braving Canadian temps, it’s bound to keep you cozy during the playoffs. Though this design is sold out, you’ll find plenty of similar products to purchase or make yourself, simply by searching the web.


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Cuddle Some Homemade Hand Warmers

If your fingers are the first thing to get chilled, hand warmers can make a huge difference in your ability to enjoy the big game. To save money – and put your craft skills to good use – consider making your own version, using a little leftover fabric and some uncooked rice. Complete instructions are available on Vanessachristenson.com. As a bonus, their creator says they can be tossed in the freezer and used as cool packs for, say, a bump or bruise.


Don’t Let the Winds Chill Your Wrists

Here’s a DIY project that’s great for fall and winter: wrist warmers made from a pair of socks. You can find complete instructions on Offbeathome.com, but the concept is simple. You basically cut off the toe, cut a thumb-hole in the heel, and (if you like) finish off the top with a nice cuff. If you’re likely to conceal the whole thing within coat sleeves and under a pair of mittens, you can skip the finishing work. These also are perfect for keeping wrists snow-free if you’re in a climate that allows for shoveling and snowman construction.


Treat Your Seat to Some Heat

Ugh — those cold, metal stadium seats! Sometimes even a blanket isn’t enough to keep your bottom from feeling the chill when you watch your kids play. This Sunbeam Heat-to-Go Portable Warming Stadium Seat offers you 2 hours of comfort and warmth, thanks to two reusable gel packs (that you warm up in hot water), a foam cushion, and a weather-resistant cover. It even has a carrying handle, so it’s easy to tote to the stadium, on a camping trip, or on a winter horse-and-buggy ride.


Raise Your Temp in a Tiny Tent

Admittedly, this item makes more sense on the sidelines than in the bleachers. Available in a rainbow of colors, this one-person tent from Under-the-Weather.com is water- and wind-resistant, weighs just 7.5 pounds, and will keep your surroundings up to 30 degrees warmer than the air outside. It even has an SPF of 50, so you can avoid pesky (and sometimes unexpected) autumn or winter sunburns. Similar tents are available in an XL size and a two-person model.


Create a Spectator “Uniform”

You’d never let your kids on the field without the proper gear. It’s time to think of yourself as one of the team, and invest your own uniform of sorts—one that will keep you toasty so you can cheer for the team without your teeth chattering. Insulating underclothes and outerwear can help, but if you live in a really cold region, check out the wide array of high-tech togs that use portable batteries to radiate heat. Sporting goods stores and websites offer mittens, gloves, jackets, vests, socks, boots, insoles, pants and more. Another tip: Store an inexpensive rain poncho in your coat pocket for the entire season; then, when there’s an unexpected rain shower, you can stay dry, which will help keep you warmer too.

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Warm Up by the Hot Dogs


Looking for Still Another Way to Warm Up?

Consider becoming a coach or assistant to your child’s team! As you’ve probably noticed, adults in these roles rarely sit down, and the more you’re up and moving, the warmer you will be. Wondering if this might be a good option for you? Check out our exclusive blog on the topic: Want to Coach Kids? 4 Tips to Make It Work for Your Family.

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