17 Basketball Camp Tips for Kids

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Several years ago my world changed when we entered into the unknown territory of basketball.  It was totally unintentional. I was just a homeschooling mom looking to give my kids a chance to get some exercise with basketball camp while catching a little break for myself.

From the moment my daughter hit that gym floor, she was destined to be a basketball player. (Her little sister soon followed in her footsteps.) Having five older children, I thought that I knew everything there was to know about sports. I didn’t.  Not for this generation of kids anyway!kids and basketball.jpg

The level of competition is tenfold compared to the level 15 years ago. There are things I wish I considered before we ever delved so deep into the basketball world.

In order to help you navigate and make an informed decision, I’ve compiled these tips to help you decide if basketball and basketball camp are the right fit for your child.

  1. Cardio & Stamina Growth. This seems obvious, but the amount of exercise that playing basketball brings to your child is so beneficial. It’s a fun and easy way to boost their heart rates for an hour. It builds stamina and creates happier moods too!

  2. Coordination skills are built by dribbling down the court and switching from left to right hands.

  3. Confidence is developed while looking opponent’s eye to eye and not getting flustered or being fearful. Confidence is also built by making baskets.

  4. Good sportsmanship is learned when players work as team and are not selfish with the ball.  Kids also discover how to have compassion on the other team when someone is hurt, such as kneeling or leaving the court and clapping when the hurt player is ok.

  5. Healthy Competition. Kids explore how to win and lose with grace.

  6. Personal Growth. Each child is different, but most have their own individual areas of growth they need to focus on. Working with others brings these areas out into the light, therefore giving them a chance to grow. (e.g. complaining too much, sharing, etc.)

  7. Many wonderful lifelong friendships are built.

  8. There are lots of fun basketball camps all over the country. Find basketball camps on ActivityHero.

  9. Basketball is a physical game.  I did not really realize how physical it was until my girls started playing.

  10. Taking Turns. There may be 10 players, but not every child is on the court at the same time.  Very young kids can have a hard time with this at first.

  11. Wait. In my opinion, basketball isn’t really for the very young.  It is simply too hard to bounce a ball and play a game all at the same time.  Wait until they are around 2nd or 3rd grade for this sport, it will help them to succeed, rather than fail and be frustrated.

  12. Consider the cost. Financially, physically and emotionally. Sports are a real drain on the pocket book.  The time it takes for practices and actual games also take away from other things you want to do as a family.

  13. Check in. If your child is not enjoying basketball, don’t force it. Not everyone is created for sports.  

  14. Support the FUN! Even with both of my girls now in high school and playing on the Varsity Girls Basketball team, we push FUN!  The older kids get, the more serious sports become. Keep the fun to preserve the passion.

  15. Basketball is a cut sport.  As kids expand their experience beyond camp, they will face try-outs, cuts and sitting on the bench during game time and so on.  It’s hard, but it’s also good for building character and teaching life lessons. Not everyone gets chosen for everything.

  16. Diversify. Don’t let basketball or any sport become your whole life. Do other things as a family.

  17. Find an EXCELLENT coach. Coaches are competitive and a small few can become overly emotional, which leads to outbursts of anger and sometimes belittling.  

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Ultimately, you decide if your child and family are ready to try basketball camp. Although basketball has its ups and downs, our family found joy in navigating the sports world. 

Look for nearby a basketball camp or basketball class for your kids.

Get more parent tips for kids at blog.activityhero.com.

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